Thursday, November 22, 2007

Simple Animated Text CS3

-open Photoshop CS3'


-File > Newphotoshop tutorials creating a new layer
-enter 460 width and 80 height, ok
-click horizontal text tool
photoshop tutorials creating a new text using text tool-type anything you like on your workspace
blending option animation and creating cool texttext tool typing a text on photoshop

-in my case i added some blending styles for the text...
-duplicate text layerduplication of  layer in photohsop cs3
-create new layercreating new layer in photoshop cs3
-select layer 1 and text copy below it and press ctrl+e to merge the two selected layersmerging 2 layers in photoshop cs3
-after merge the highlighted layers now will be on layer one go to filter>blur>radialblurfilter rendering blur effet on photoshop
-enter this settingsphotoshop bluring effect


-to start the animation your animation layer tool must be open window>animationanimation window check
-must have this settings on animation toolsettings on animation window check
-create new layer
animation tool creating layer photoshop tutorials,
-at animation layer 2, layer 1 eye visibility must be off and has 1 sec. delay
animation to gif

-at animation layer 1, text eye visibility must be off and has 0.2 sec. delay on animation toollayer visibility shows photoshop cs3
-when youre done animating go to file>save for web and devices..
-have this settings and save
saving file to gif on adobe photoshop pstutorialize.blogspot.comI Have my Finish Product here..
i added more textlayers and blur to jave a cool looking animation
finish product of animation photoshop tutorials

Monday, November 19, 2007

Photoshop Keyboard Shortcuts

Zoom In & Zoom Out
  1. Control and "+" = Zoom in
  2. Control and "-" = Zoom out
  3. Control+0 = Fit to Screen
  4. Alt+Control+0 = Actual Pixels
  5. Control+Spacebar and clicking = Zooming in the part where we have clicked.
  6. Alt+Spacebar and clicking = Zooming out in the part where we have clicked.
You can also zoom in or zoom out either by entering the value in the percentage box or by moving the slider to the left or right. Alternatively, you can also click on two triangles. As the picture showing, clicking on smaller triangles will result in zoom out action. On the other hand, clicking on bigger two triangles will result in zoom in.
You can zoom upto 1600% in photoshop.
Copy and Paste
  1. Control+C = Copy
  2. Shift+Control+C = Copy mereged.
  3. Control+V = Paste
  4. Shift+Control+V = Paste Into (paste into the selection)
Color Filling & Color Swaping
  1. Alt+Backspace = Filling the selection with foreground color
  2. Ctrl+Backspace = Filling the selection with background color.
  3. X = Swaping foreground and background color.
Miscellaneous Shortcuts
  1. Control+' = Show gridlines.
  2. If you press control + ' again, it will hide gridlines.
  3. Control + : = Show/Hide Guides
  4. Control + R = Show/Hide Ruler
  5. Control + J = Duplicating the layer
  6. Control + T = Transform the layer
  7. Control + ] = Bringing the layer forward to the previous layer
  8. Control + [ = Sending the layer backward to the previous layer
  9. Shift +Control + ] = Bringing the layer forward
  10. Shift+Control+[ = Sending the layer backward
  11. Shift + click on layers will result in grouping of those layers. Pressing Shift and clicking on the layers again will result in ungrouping.
  12. Control + E = Merge all the grouped layers
  13. Control + F = Applying the last used filter.
  14. Alt + Control + F = Applying the last used filter with filter settings.
  15. Shift+Control+F = Fading the last used filter.
  16. When move tool selected, pressing the alt key and any of the arrow key will duplicated the active layer.
  17. When move tool selected, pressing any arrow key will move the layer one pixel depending upon which arrow key was pressed.
  18. When move tool selected, pressing shift+arrow key will move the active layer 10 pixels depending upon which arrow key was pressed.
  19. When typing with type tool, pressing Enter from alphabetic key pad will result in creating a new paragraph. Pressing Enter from numeric keypad will result in end of typing.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

color psychology

helps you build a website design/graphics on photoshop
with good color combination with this color psychology