Thursday, November 22, 2007

Simple Animated Text CS3

-open Photoshop CS3'


-File > Newphotoshop tutorials creating a new layer
-enter 460 width and 80 height, ok
-click horizontal text tool
photoshop tutorials creating a new text using text tool-type anything you like on your workspace
blending option animation and creating cool texttext tool typing a text on photoshop

-in my case i added some blending styles for the text...
-duplicate text layerduplication of  layer in photohsop cs3
-create new layercreating new layer in photoshop cs3
-select layer 1 and text copy below it and press ctrl+e to merge the two selected layersmerging 2 layers in photoshop cs3
-after merge the highlighted layers now will be on layer one go to filter>blur>radialblurfilter rendering blur effet on photoshop
-enter this settingsphotoshop bluring effect


-to start the animation your animation layer tool must be open window>animationanimation window check
-must have this settings on animation toolsettings on animation window check
-create new layer
animation tool creating layer photoshop tutorials,
-at animation layer 2, layer 1 eye visibility must be off and has 1 sec. delay
animation to gif

-at animation layer 1, text eye visibility must be off and has 0.2 sec. delay on animation toollayer visibility shows photoshop cs3
-when youre done animating go to file>save for web and devices..
-have this settings and save
saving file to gif on adobe photoshop pstutorialize.blogspot.comI Have my Finish Product here..
i added more textlayers and blur to jave a cool looking animation
finish product of animation photoshop tutorials

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